Friday, April 30, 2010

Week 2 - Friday Final Day of Treatment!

Though these two weeks of treatment in Costa Rica have not been easy they have gone well. I want to express our appreciation to all of you who helped us know we we not alone here - but instead we are in the company of wonderful friends and family!

As I write (I'm beginning to think in Spanish!) Carolyn is having her final injections. She had a very good physical therapy session today as well. She's really come to get close to a few of the physical therapists and we'll miss there smiling faces and their caring manner. The head of the Physical Therapy Dept explained that the improvement Carolyn has experienced thus far is due to the hard work she has done. Mrs. Paris also said that the stem cells would begin to really help in a month or so. She stressed how important it will be for Carolyn to continue the therapy for two hours per day. Please pray for God's guidance in this area... It's hard, time consuming, and expensive.

Our ride to the airport is scheduled to pick us up at 4:45 am. tomorrow and our flight leaves at 6:24 am. We have a quick layover in Denver and then straight home!

Blessings to all of you from Our God who heals spiritually, emotionally, and physically!


  1. the Final Day... -it seems like a different time when you first shared about this treatment, and how you and Carolyn were getting things ready to leave for Costa Rica. -now, it's almost time to come home.

    your courage, diligence, commitment, and trust in God has served you well. you guys are inspiring.

    i know that there will be more work to be done after you land in So. Cal., but it sets my heart at peace with the relief that, at least, you'll be back at home.

    i prayed for you this morning. -for healing and a safe trip home.

    see you soon,

  2. Thanks Kee! Looking forward to coming home!

  3. We look forward to seeing you again and see what God continues to do!
