Sunday, April 18, 2010

We´ve arrived in Costa Rica!

The two flights were very smooth.  Making  our connection was
a challenge because of the short layover but we managed.  We landed at 6:45 pm and it was almost dark.  We were welcomed by staff from the Stem Cell Institute and helped through customs with no problems.

I´m really happy we planned to get here a full day before the first appointment.  Sitting on the flight for over five hours really makes for stiff legs for Carolyn.  Traveling in general is also very tiring for her.  She is resting a bunch today so she´ll be in as good as shape as possible for tomorrows appointment.  Tomorrow Carolyn will have blood withdrawn for the purpose of gathering the serum to be used in a couple of days.  It´s also our chance to meet with the doctors and ask any questions we may have.

On our drive from the airport to the hotel we met another family who is here for treatment for their daughter who suffers with Autism.  Please pray for Rachael who is eleven years old and very friendly.  She was very sweet and it is her second treatment.  It just so happened that her mother grew up in Fountain Valley, CA just a few blocks from where I grew up in Westminster!

The weather here is as I expected.... hot and humid but not nearly as bad as it will be in a few short months!  I am so happy that our hotel has A/C in both bedrooms!  If there was not Carolyn would be in bad shape.  We haven´t been out much but the trees and plants here are so colorful and wonderful to behold!  The birds also sing in another language... :)  

Thanks again to everyone for your well-wishes and prayers!   


  1. I'm very excited for you all! And glad that things have been going so well. How's the air for breathing? Does it smell nice? I wish I could hear those birds, too.


  2. yaa,
    i cant wait to hear about tomorrow. Have sean take some pictures when he can. HUg my grandma and tell carolyn that i cant wait till we get to walk through yosemite. =)

    sarah n joslyn

  3. Hi Sean- You are in our thoughts and our prayers. We miss you in math class. Don't worry about the class work. I will catch you up when you get back. Give your mom and dad a hug from all of us.

    God Bless-
    Mrs. Ilg's math class

  4. Brian: Brian!!!!!! Hey- the air is great for smelling as long as your not downtown! It's thick with moisture and you would LOVE the cloudy skies... They are beautiful! Stop motion heaven...

    Sarah and Joslyn: We are taking pics but we don't have a great way to upload them to this blog :( We will when we can! The internet connection here is sketchy... Keep that Yosemite dream alive!

    Mrs. Ilg and class: Thanks so much for writing! It's a great encouragement!

  5. ¡Hola Mrs. Ilg and math class! This is Sean. I just wanted to say thank you for praying for us. It is a very great encouragement. I greatly appreciate it. Please continue to pray for us, it helps very much. You guys are in my prayers too. I hope to write back soon!

