Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Thank you to everyone who has been caring for Carolyn, Sean, and I in word, deed, and prayer.  We are looking forward to this journey and trust that the Lord is leading us.  For those of you who have not already heard about the upcoming treatment, here are some of the particulars:
We've only recently learned about this treatment and don't consider ourselves experts - but we have done our homework and met some people who have received the treatment with wonderful results.  The hospital is in San Jose, Costa Rica with headquarters in Panama City, Panama.  You can visit their website for plenty of scientific papers/videos etc.  Why Costa Rica?  The treatment is not "yet" FDA approved (although my understanding is that there are phase III clinical trials in the US going on).  The question is whether to wait on the FDA (and get the health insurance coverage) or pursue it now before the disease progresses further.

We are convinced that the doctors at the Stem Cell Institute are top notch.  They offer two treatment programs - a 2 week treatment and a 4 week treatment.  God has provided for the two week option.  The treatment itself utilizes a combination of 1) fat derived stem cells (from your own body - as in "mini-liposuction") which works to 're-set' an over-active immune system and 2) donated cord-blood derived stem cells.  These donated adult stem cells (not embryonic) are given intrathecally (like a spinal tap or an epidural) and are shown to actually repair the myelin sheath - very exciting!  Each person we talk to or read about who has received treatment at the Stem Cell Institute has raved about the exceptional treatment, professionalism, caring manner, and cleanliness of the hospital.  There have even been a couple of people who did not benefit dramatically and yet wholeheartedly recommend the doctors and the treatment at the Stem Cell Institute.

We leave this Saturday, April 17th with the treatment to commence on Monday the 19th.  Carolyn is due to receive her first injection on Wednesday the 21st followed by the mini-liposuction on Thursday the 22nd.

Our journey just to get this point has been amazing.  So many prayers have been answered regarding funding, passports, birth certificates, vacation time, and work considerations.  We are feeling overwhelmed in spurts and then peace.

At this point we covet your prayers for the preparation, packing, and those things I'm probably forgetting!  Pray for safe and smooth traveling and that we would be always reflecting the light of our savior.

- Eric


  1. sarahnjoslyn@yahoo.comApril 15, 2010 at 9:01 PM

    yaaa im so excited i cant wait till its over and we can walk through yosemite, Its time for us to take new pictures their its been thirteen year this june since we have all been their. =) im thinking about you every day. Love you guys

  2. We're so thrilled you guys get to go on this journey! Please know you're in our positive thoughts and prayers. Best wishes always, Jacki, Dick & All the Scotties + 1 Dachshund :)

  3. Hey Guys,

    I am overwhelmed by the opportunity to be a part of this and see God's hand at work. We love you and are praying for you as you are on this journey. Can't wait to see you when you get back. Our God is mighty and good and I believe He has great things in store for you.


  4. Sarah - That sounds so nice!! It has been my dream (corny as it sounds) that I can one day walk hand in hand again with Carolyn out in nature... Thanks for your support!

    Jeremy - I can't thank you enough! We are praying for you guys too...

    Jacki - Thanks so much for your support and kindness!

    Lollie - You are such an encouragement! Thank you...

  5. well then yosemite it is. We can take family pictures there. =)That will be our yearly vacation we should get a hotel room up their and we can all ride bikes too. =)

  6. Carolyn. this is Jeanette who has ms also from YLFC I am praying daily for you. You are a hero for going. I pray the best results for you!

  7. Carolyn, Keep your eyes on Him. God is the Ultimate Healer. Take it minute by minute. I know first hand how strong you are on the inside. May your Doctors be blessed for their dedication and knowledge. I would be honored to help you anyway I can when you get home.
    Our prayers are with you often and thanks for the updates. Love all of you Mucho! :-)
