Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Day 8 - WOW!

I just had to give a quick update that right now here in physical therapy Carolyn is lifting her legs with small weights attached to her ankles! Something wonderful is happening here. She absolutely has not done this in two years! She is even lifting her "bad" leg! Thank you Lord! The Lord who heals!


  1. SOOO cool to hear the progress. Steph and I are praying for you guys. We missed you at CGroup last night. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing all the stories when you guys get back.

  2. I tried so hard to post a comment after Friday's report (so transparent but full of hope) but couldn't. Now I can join you in praising God for such amazing progress!!! How very thankful I am as I keep praying for God's blessing of healing to continue. Your pictures were awesome over the weekend, and your activities sounded wonderful. You are really making lemonade out of lemons! Much love, Grace

  3. God hears our prayers and He answers. He is an awesome healer! Carolyn, I'm so happy for you, you're such a trooper. I hope you all have a restful night. Love you, Ann
