Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 5

Friday was a day I won't soon forget. I believe you all want to hear a truthful report and I want to help others known what they can actually expect should they pursue this course of treatment.

The intrathecal injections are just very difficult. I am not talking about the actual injection but the aftermath. One dear lady we've come to know, Carla (please pray for her as well) has suffered terrible headaches even though following doctor's orders to lie flat for the five hours. Carolyn hasn't had even a hint of a headache but instead gets a fever about six hours later. When people with M.S. get a fever bad things happen. It's that whole heat sensitivity thing. Fever is one of the short term possible side-effects of these injections. The other thing that happens with Carolyn is that when she doesn't move for a period of time she gets even more stiff (mostly her legs) and her hands and feet go quite numb. This stiffness in turn causes persistent pain. When it's time for her to come to the dinner table or the restroom, it's all I can do to to get her out of bed, into the wheelchair, and then out of the wheelchair. I have to be extra
careful with her since she just had the surgery the day before. Repeat this a couple of times through the night and we are both exhausted and emotionally drained.

Thank God for the morning and and that those difficulties all begin to lift. We both feel a bit of relief as some of her strength returns and she can at least stand under her own power.

I really hope I'm not coming across as whiny or unhappy with our choice to pursue this treatment. We are still extremely thankful for this opportunity and full of faith and hope. It's just that we didn't hear any of these more gritty and realistic details. It's our hope that others might be a little more mentally prepared if they hear some of these things. We realize for us this isn't the end of the story. We are exactly half way through this two-week treatment and definitely look forward to seeing some real positive results!

Sometimes we feel just how limited we are in our own strength. We really do appreciate your prayers!

Eric and Carolyn


  1. Thank you for your honesty. We are meeting for community group tonight and we will pray specifically for Carolyn's treatment and that she would not experience these side effects. We love you guys!

  2. Hello Carolyn & Eric,

    Sorry I am slow to respond, but unfortunately I fell and cracked 5 ribs. After a week of recuperation I am beginning to feel better and entering back into the world.

    Thank you for your updates, with all the details, which has allowed us to better understand & catch up on what's happening. Kristi & I are praying for good results for you Carolyn and minimal discomfort throughout your treatment. The key is to be patient.

    Be well,

    Bill & Kristi

  3. Hi Matt and Anita!

    Thanks so much for checking in on us and keeping us in prayer! We love you guys too and really miss everyone!

  4. Oh Bill !! So sorry to hear about your fall and cracked ribs! We will pray that you will be feeling much better in time for your trip to costa Rica!

    Thanks so much for your encouragement and prayers!
    Love you guys!

    Eric and Carolyn

  5. Carolyn, Eric and Sean,
    We've been thinking about you and praying for you during this very important time. You are loved! Travel safely back to the US.
    See you soon.
    Cathy Lozano
