Sunday, May 2, 2010

Reporting From California

We are home now and very happy.  The weather is superb and we do not miss the humidity!  I wanted to let you all know what happened with Carolyn's final injection and infusion on Friday.  We had been praying since early Friday morning for God's grace and blessing for Carolyn's last injection.  We had an early flight Saturday morning and it could have really been difficult if Carolyn had a bad night.  Well let me tell you that Carolyn had a very smooth procedure and had zero negative side effects this time!  Thank God and thank you for all your prayers!  We were up before 4am and the rest of the day was a blur.  The flights themselves were very smooth.

We will really miss seeing our new friends who were going through treatment along side of Carolyn!  Benita and Carla are fighters and we will be continuing to pray for them as they complete their final two weeks of treatment.

Here's a pic taken by Carla's husband Roger.  This is from left to right: Nick, Benita, Paula, Carla, Joanna, Eric, Hazel, and Carolyn.

We can't say enough or thank the staff at CIMA Physical Therapy headed by Mrs. Paris.   They taught Carolyn how to work effectively and what to look for in a physical therapist here in California.

So I'm sure you are all wondering just how Carolyn is doing now that the treatment in Costa Rica is completed.  Well, here's how she describes it.  Carolyn explains, "at this point what I feel is that a fog has lifted.  I feel that I have more energy than before.  I'm still using the wheelchair but I am stronger and more flexible."  Let me add that after the very early morning yesterday and seven hours on airplanes... Carolyn still had strength in her legs and was not wiped out like we would normally expect.  So while she is not yet ready to sign up for the chorus line she feels a definite improvement.  The doctors have told us that the effects of the stem cell treatment will be felt at around six weeks from now.  In the meantime Carolyn will be working hard in physical therapy - continuing the regimen begun in Costa Rica.  

Thanks again everybody!
Eric and Carolyn


  1. YEAH!!! Welcome home! We missed you guys and can't wait to see you :)

    Stephanie and fam


    -thanks, again, for inviting us along on this journey.

    talk to you soon,

  3. Stephanie and fam: Thank you! We missed you all too!

    Kee: Thank you for coming along!
