Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Day 8 - Part II

I'm not kidding... She was able to do a bunch of things (in physical therapy) she could't even think of doing when we got here! I had a hint that something was up this morning when instead of sitting in her wheelchair so I could roll her to the bedroom to get dressed she said, "out of the way!" She then used her walker and took some really confident steps to the room. The thing is that her stamina is noticeably better too. Previously, after a shower she would be exhausted. This walking today was AFTER her shower! I'm so excited to see what she'll be doing by Friday! She's sleeping right now after receiving her third intrathecal injection. This was the best injection yet - no real pain! Thanks again everybody! Keep those prayers coming...



  1. Wow! I can't even tell you how encouraged and moved we are right now. What a blessing it is to pray as a body and see God answer! Praise to Him and to Him be the glory. Love you guys!

  2. Wonderful updates, Eric! they just keep getting better and better! Amazing and Exciting! -thank you for inviting us to be a part of this journey.

    -more prayers on their way!

  3. The Smiths: Agreed!!!! Thanksfor the prayers!

    Jeremy and Lollie: So glad give a good report! We so appreciate your support! Praying for you guys too - especially Lollie's bronchitis!

    Kee: Kee! I miss you guys! Thanks for the encouragement and prayers!
