Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stem Cell Treatment - Days 2 and 3

Day 2

We´ve learned that the physical therapy here is no joke.  In fact these grueling two hour sessions are the key to seeing results.  I was told by the head of physical therapy that those patients who think the stem cell injections alone are going to cure them are the very ones who do not see much improvement.  You must be willing to work hard.  There are several physical therepists and they cycle through each focusing on a different aspect.  Carolyn has some nicknames for some of them such as The Drill Sargeant :)  They have encouraged me to video tape the exercises so that when we are home we will have the recordings to refer to and won´t have to depend on our memories completely. 

The rain is fairly regular - about and hour per day.  It brings a welcome breeze and coolness with it.  Here´s a picture just outside the CIMA Hospital where all the physical therapy is done. 

After Carolyn´s physical therapy and pre-operative consultation with the plastic surgeon yesterday - we went to a well known local eatery...  It was quaint and had so much character!  We enjoyed a traditional consado meal along with wonderful guanabana liquados!  Of course I followed it up with some terrific Costa Rican cafe con leche... poured through the "coffee sock" right at the table. 

Day 3

Today was very difficult.  The physical therapist pushed Carolyn to her breaking point.  I really think they ought to take the heat into account better than they do.  People with M.S. are extremely heat sensitive.  Add to this that many of the patients are from the U.S. and are not used to this kind of heat and humidity.  Anyway - after placing cold packs on Carolyn and some rest she was feeling much better and was ready to get back to "work".  There is a whole emotional stress component that comes with being in a foreign country, pushing your body much harder than usual, and the anticipation of spinal injections and surgery that really adds up.  I´ll continue to say it, Carolyn is amazing.  No doubt, God´s hand is upon her.  Thank you again and again for your prayers.

After this toughest of physical therapy sessions thus far, Carolyn had her first intrathecal injection.  She was pretty nervous but in the end was surprised that it went so smoothly.  Following each intrathecal injection she must lie down flat for five hours.  Let me tell you, she doesn´t mind at all after a day like this!  She feels good though... muscular soreness - but good.  No hint of a headache!  The reason you lie flat for five hours is to let the spinal pressure regulate after the injection thus preventing headache.  This also lets the stem cells flow up to the brain.

Tomorrow is a very early day.  We will be picked up at 6:15 am and begin checking in for surgery at 9:00 am.  This picture above is one of at least four hospital buildings we´ve been going to - all part of CIMA Hospital.  The hospital is impressive and for the most part - immaculate.  You sense immediately that the medical proffessionals take their jobs extremely seriously.  You really know are beeing well cared for.  The mini-liposuction takes about an hour and then she´ll have the rest of the day to rest.  Friday will be her second intrathecal injection and then five more hours on her back.  That will be all for this week and so hopefully she´ll be feeling well enough to do a little more sight seeing on the weekend.

Thanks again everyone for following along and we miss you all!



  1. sarahnjoslyn@yahoo.comApril 21, 2010 at 9:27 PM

    i am so thankfull for this blog so that we can see and know whats going on. my mom says hi she dosent do computer stuff so easly =0 cant wait till i see you guys come back

  2. Hi Sarah n Joslyn!

    So glad the blog is helpful! It's great to hear your feedback and to know you guys are going through this with us. Love you guys... and give Nancy our love!
